My next-door neighbor maintains a gloriously wild, riotously colorful garden that is obviously fed with lots of love...and excellent compost. Yesterday, as families around the 'hood began to watch their porches for signs of Jack-o-Lantern collapse, she sent around an email asking that instead of tossing their gourds, they donate them to the cause of her compost heap.
What an excellent idea, and what a beautiful thought to imagine the leftovers from a community's celebration of Halloween finding new life in the glory of next year's garden. If I weren't going to give our front-porch pumpkin to my own worms, I'd gladly donate it to the cause.
But note to self for any Halloween pumpkin composters out there: Remove all seeds from your pumpkin before you heave it onto the compost heap! If you need explanation as to why, read this cautionary tale of a garden gone to pumpkin in the course of one season....
So oh, darn - you'll just have to save your seeds and roast them! My new favorite way? Sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar, and a little sea salt. Crunch!
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